Commercial Finance Application Company I found you through: * Google Referral Word of Mouth Newspaper Other I have spoken to: * Kenny Alex Alan Vicky Yvonne Steven I have not spoken to anyone at United Fortune Financial yet Loan Amount * The loan is for: * e.g. car, bus, forklift, business loan, etc. How is your ABN structured? Pty Ltd Company Sole Trader Partnership ABN * Nature of business * ie – Plumbing, Transport etc Director 1 details / Individual Details / Partner 1 details Name (as it appears on the drivers licence) First Name Middle Name Last Name Mobile Number * Email Address * Driver’s Licence Number * Driver’s Licence Expiry Date * Is it a NSW drivers license? * Yes No Marital Status * Single Married Defacto Other Residential Address * Suburb Postcode State QLD NSW VIC ACT SA WA NT TAS Residential Status Buying Renting Boarding Property Value * Owing * Monthly Repayment * Time at address (Years) * 0 1 2 3 or more Time at address (Months) * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Business Asset Do you have current Vehicle, Truck or Equipment Finance? * Yes No Cars, Trucks, Equipment * Cash at Bank * Other * Privacy Consent and Signature Privacy Act Consent Electronic Communications Consent Finance and insurance products quoted are general advice only. Please consider if general advice is right for you. Declaration The applicant warrants that: 1. To the best of their knowledge, the information above is true and correct; and 2. they are not an undischarged bankrupt 3. I acknowledge that I have read and understand the General Advice Warning above and that I have been supplied a Financial Services Guide and a Credit Guide. I have read and accept the Referral & Privacy Act Consent * Please upload a picture or scan of: 1. Front of your driver license * 2. Back of your driver license * 3. Rates notice (if applicable)